If you’ve crafted an opt in page that is a sales winner and included the key elements of the ideal page, the next question is where to put your landing page. The key thing is that you want to be able to drive people to that page in order to take the action with you that your page is geared toward – here are 7 spots to include your landing page…
1. On Your Homepage
But didn’t you say not to use your homepage last week, you ask? That’s right – you shouldn’t direct traffic from advertising that you want to go to your offers to your homepage, rather straight to a landing page so they can avoid too much extra “noise”. However, what about traffic that arrives organically on your homepage in the first place? Having links to your landing pages prominently displayed is a good way to draw people in. You can premise the landing page by stating on your homepage who it is that your offer is for – see the shot below from our own homepage as an example, all three of those links go to different landing pages.
2. In any online advertising
Whether you use Facebook advertising (one of our favourites for relatively cheap and very targeted advertising!), Twitter promoted tweets or Google Adwords, make sure that your landing page is the link that people are being directed to. It’s about helping to create trust by not surprising people when they click on your ad. The next page they see should be exactly what they were expecting to see given the nature of your ad.
3. In header or sidebar images
Incorporate call to action buttons as part of your header image or have banners and buttons in your side bar. See the image below for an example from one of our clients – the “join the movement” button goes straight to a landing page.
4. Include banners or links in your blog posts
Use calls to action either throughout or at the end of your blogposts and link your landing page into the text. Otherwise, include banners which link to your landing page in the blog post.
5. Create unique URLs
Create unique URLs that are easy to direct people to orally, for example if you do a podcast or if you speak at events. Re-direct these URLs to the page on your website which holds your landing page. We use this all the time – AYBGuide.com for our Online Survival Guide and AYBPodcast.com for our podcast . See how much easier those are to say aloud to someone rather than trying to explain your website URL with a whole lot of forward slashes?!
6. Link in Facebook Apps
Link your landing pages to corresponding app tiles on your Facebook page…
7. In social media updates
Of course you shouldn’t always be doing ‘pitchy’ social media posts, but promoting something you offer once every few posts is a good idea if you actually want to make sales via social media! When posting, always link directly to your landing page so that people immediately see what they were expecting when they clicked on your post (similar to your ads really!).
Are there other places you like to use landing pages? Let us know in the comments below…