Google is changing its algorithm again.
In layman’s terms here is what you need to know about how Google Penguin 2.0 affects you:
1) Create Compelling High Quality Content
Bad content is getting harder to hide. In fact you will start to get penalised if you create it.
Think before you post or create anything. Are you adding noise or are you adding value? Teach something worth while learning and people will stay on your site and hopefully return. The more this happens, the more favourable Google will treat your site when dishing it up in the search results.
2) Get Real Sites and Real People Linking to Your Content
Instead of trying to get links on blog farms and using other fancy SEO services that only promote back-linking without explaining more about how it works article change your focus to social sharing. We like to call it “Social SEO”.
Write an original article as a guest blogger on a blog in your industry. Find great sites with great traffic to partner with and offer content to that will give value to their readers. After all this is your brand we are talking about here so choose your partners online wisely.
Make sure people are able to share your content throughout their social media accounts easily. This means the words they use to link to you will be human and not a strange mix of keywords. It also means that the links created will be organic and naturally released over time, without any crazy spikes in creation (that has happened when using SEO services in the past).
Create different types of content – videos, slideshows, images, podcasts, and PDFs and think about where you can put them online other than your website.
3) Don’t get Discouraged
You may notice changes in your rankings in the next few months. Chances are your domain will only come up once now in the top 10 results. In the past you may have seen it a few times in the same search results.
Google wants genuine value –> no more BS and no more fluffy content. Each of their recent updates keep pushing this and they are getting better at rewarding those who really care about what they are sharing online.
As you know we love automation. However in this case, the only thing you should be automating is getting someone to help you create great content and distribute it across your web properties. You can get help creating great content, but to be really rewarded with these changes, share value and expertise that only you can deliver.
What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments below…