In this post we are featuring one of our clients who has had a lot of success from business automation. Annette Lackovic runs sales events around Australia, you can check out her website here to follow along with what we are talking about.
When Annette first came to us she told us that her whole system basically operated manually. She was collecting business cards and sending out individual emails. People who were interested in attending her events were emailing her and she was adding them manually to a list, payments were done through manual bank transfers. All of this was very time consuming for her so she asked us what she could do to streamline and automate her processes.
So, first up when you are looking at automating sales, you will need a sales page (which you will be looking at right now if you have Annette’s website up from the link above). This is a very controlled environment designed to entice people to buy. You can see that not only is there product information, but there are videos and testimonials from others included.
From this page Annette has a very basic system in place; she is not using any of the big platforms such as Office Autopilot or Infusionsoft that we have mentioned before, but she is using Paypal and an Aweber email account. When a visitor clicks on any of the ‘enrol now’ buttons, they are taken to a form which comes from her Aweber account. This means that when they fill out that form, their details are sent to her Aweber account.
Once the form has been filled out and you click on ‘register now’, you are offered an upgrade to a VIP option for $100. That button right there is a Paypal button so anyone who takes up this offer will be taken to complete the transaction through Paypal. Paypal will then automatically communicate with Annette’s Aweber account to let it know that there is a VIP ticket holder. Annette can then check her Aweber account every day and will see how many free tickets and how many VIP tickets have come through. Somebody on her team will then go into the Aweber account a few days before events and contact ticket holders using those details. This is a great way to follow-up before the event and see whether they have any questions!
Now with a streamlined, automated system, Annette has gone from averaging 10 people per event on the clunky, manual system to over 100 people per event! This sort of system can be used for anything you are selling online, whether it be for events, digital products or physical products or services.